Suffering From Knee Pain In Staten Island NY?

Finally… A non-invasive, non-surgical knee pain treatment, for you to beat your knee pain! It’s true, and the best part about it is that it’s the latest, cutting-edge, non-surgical, non-drug breakthroughs in knee pain treatment, and offered at our Staten Island NY chiropractic clinic. But before we talk about what makes our knee pain treatment unique and revolutionary, let’s talk about the “traditional” medical model for knee pain treatment.
Traditional Medical Model for Knee Pain Treatment In Staten Island NY
Picture this scenario, perhaps 30+ years ago, you injured your knee as a teenager. Playing some kind of sport, awkwardly twisting your knee, or maybe worse, tearing the ligaments inside your knee. Perhaps you even had surgery, or at the very least you saw a doctor and may have tried to do physical therapy. Worse yet, you didn't do any form of knee pain treatment, except for taking some pain medication when it first happened. Whatever the case, your knee problem never really healed properly, and you've been dealing with it for who knows how long.
Or perhaps you never really had a knee injury per se, but over the years (or decades), slowly but surely, the fact that you are not as active anymore, your knee pain has become more and more of a nuisance. Add to that, the fact that you've put on some weight certainly doesn't help.
So you go see your doctor, and perhaps she orders an x-ray which doesn't give very much information except for the terms "Mr. Jones….you have osteoarthritis". From there, your doctor may recommend very limited options for knee pain treatment.
- Physical Therapy: So you go for physical therapy, 3x/week for 4 weeks. If you are lucky, you get some relief, or even better, your knee pain goes away altogether. More likely, the physical therapy doesn't help, and in fact, it seems to have made your knee pain worse. So back you go to your doctor for other alternative knee pain treatment suggestions.
- Pain Management: After unsuccessfully trying to fix your knee pain with PT, your doctor now rights you a series of prescriptions. Pain killers, muscle relaxers, and anti-inflammatories. These seem to help, but for not long enough. Besides, you know deep down, that this form of knee pain treatment is not really doing anything physiologically to actually address the knee pathology. With repeated use, you also know that these medications can be dangerous. That's because your liver and kidneys have to detoxify and clear this medication from the body. Back to the doctor for another knee pain treatment suggestion.
- Surgery: This is really your last option. You definitely don't want to go there. But perhaps you are really giving it consideration, simply because your nagging knee pain isn't getting any better. From chronic pain to the inability to get up and down, in and out of the car, out of bed, sit on the toilet, get out social, and do the things that you used to love to do. Your goal however is to put off the surgery for as long as you can, because you are too young to have a total knee replacement right now, and they may have to do another one in your lifetime once this "new one" wears out. Besides they told you that you need to lose some weight first, and this only frustrates you because how are you supposed to do that when your knee pain won't allow you to?
Besides Which: There is NO GUARANTEE that the $40K to $50K knee surgery will work!
Discuss The Work-Up Process
Before we begin with what kind of knee pain treatment we are doing, it's important to discuss the entire "work-up" process. What makes our office unique is our in-depth, extremely thorough, neurological evaluation.
You see, the fact that you are experiencing chronic pain in the knee indicates the necessity to evaluate you neurologically. Allow me to explain. It's true that you know and believes that you have your chronic knee pain because of "osteoarthritis" or because of an old injury that never really seemed to heal properly, and somewhat endowed you with a life sentence of knee pain. However, studies have shown that there are people with osteoarthritis, even SEVERE osteoarthritis that does NOT HAVE ANY PAIN!
Furthermore, there are people out there that injured their knees, that did the same thing but they are not suffering. What's the difference between those that continue to suffer vs those that do not, when each group may have the exact same problem? The answer is the suffering group has a neurological breakdown somewhere. Hence the necessity for a thorough neurological evaluation. The first neurological test we will perform is a vibration test-checking large diameter afferents that fire 270 mph to the brain. In a healthy functioning nervous system, we should be able to feel vibration quickly, accurately, and in the same manner from right to left, and hands to feet. However because these nerve pathways (LDA) are the first to demyelinate, if we discover a discrepancy in your vibration sensation, then we know your Large diameter afferents have lost the ability to inhibit pain!
Revealing One Of The Major Reasons Why You Are Still Suffering
Here is the list of the other neurological tests that we perform
- Joint Position Sense
- 2-Point Discrimination
- Reflexes
- Eye Movement
- CN 5,7,9,11,12,
- Rhombergs
- Finger to nose
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Step test
After all, are performed, we will have a great idea as to what cutting-edge knee pain treatments you will receive.
If you are suffering from chronic knee pain it is because the nerves in your legs are dying off. The KEY to eliminating your knee pain is to stimulate nerves that are called large diameter afferents (LDAs)! LDAs prevent or inhibit pain by firing into an area in the spinal cord known as Laminae II. We have found that because the nerves are dying off, it will take time to correct your knee pain. In addition, we have to remove scar tissue adhesions in the muscles that support the knee (popliteus, adductors, tensor fascia late, and psoas). These adhesions form over the course of one's lifetime as a result of minor traumas (falls, bumps, bruises, etc.)
NOTE: It is VITAL that in addition to decreasing your knee pain, we also have to rehab the knee with the therapies listed below so the pain does not return.
What we do in our office flat-out WORKS!!! I expect you to get results in 1-3 visits. What do I mean by "results?" I want to see a 25% to 40% improvement in your level of pain. YOU WILL NOT BE PAIN-FREE OR "CURED" IN 1-3 VISITS BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO REHAB THE KNEE WITH THE MODALITIES LISTED BELOW. I expect complete rehab to take anywhere from 24 to 36 visits. Here are explanations of the various therapies that we will be doing in the office to relieve your pain and swelling. You will notice that we mention the price of each machine, this is because there are cheap "knock-offs" of these machines coming out of China, we want you to know that we have the "real deal!"
POINT #1: The MR4 Laser: The MR4 laser is THE DEEPEST tissue penetrating laser available on the market! It is a revolutionary breakthrough in laser therapy! It provides the following benefits…
- Accelerated cell reproduction and growth.
- Faster healing. The laser stimulates fibroblast development (these are building blocks) in damaged tissue. This can help in the reduction of recovery time.
- Increased metabolic activity. Helps the body increase output of specific enzymes; induces oxygen to blood cells and a more effective immune response.
- Reduce fibrous tissue formation. The laser reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts, scratches, burns, or following surgery.
- Anti-inflammatory action. The laser reduces swelling caused by inflammation of joints to give improved joint mobility. This is very important in relieving your knee pain.
- Increased vascular and nerve activity. The laser stimulates lymph and blood circulation to allow the affected tissue to have the best possible circulation. It may also help stimulate nerve function. If you have a slow recovery or nerve dysfunction in damaged tissue, it can result in "dead" limbs or numb areas. Laser use will speed the process of nerve cell reconnection to bring the numb areas back to life.
- The laser also increases the amplitude of action potentials to optimize muscle action.
POINT #2: Hako-Med Therapy: The most advanced electrotherapy on the market today! The Hako-Med is a $25,000 machine! What are Electromedicine and Horizontal Therapy? We have just incorporated a new therapy, known as Horizontal Therapy. This machine (ProElec DT 2000) has been a breakthrough in electromedicine, combining all known forms of electromedical therapy, in addition to this new revolutionary therapy. It is the most sophisticated form of electrotherapy available. A German company, Hako-Med, engineered and manufactured this advanced unit to create a unique electrotherapy treatment concept called Horizontal Therapy. The field of electromedicine has evolved over the years and provided us with electrical muscle stimulation, TENS therapy, microcurrent, inferential therapy, and other forms. Each of these methods of electrotherapy has a particular role in treating a variety of conditions, but none of them approach the therapeutic effects which are combined in the PRO ElecDT 2000 with Horizontal Therapy. Communication between cells takes place in two ways: bioelectrically and biochemically. Whether the cells are in bone, muscle, ligament, or nerve tissue, communication occurs via electrical currents and chemical messengers. When cellular communication is impaired, pain and disease occur, so that the normal functional state is lost. This causes a further breakdown in cellular communication. Up until now, either the bioelectrical or the biochemical communication could be enhanced with electrotherapy at one time, but, not both at once. With Horizontal Therapy, both bioelectrical and biochemical components can be treated all in one treatment session. By holding the bioelectric intensity constant while changing the frequency, Horizontal Therapy can have a broad spectrum of physiologic effects. The PRO ElecDT 2000 preset programs are designed to do this automatically.
What Types of Conditions are Successfully Addressed with Horizontal Therapy? Conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, low back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, overuse injuries, various kinds of headaches, muscle spasms, nerve pain, joint swelling, inflammation, and many other conditions can be effectively treated with horizontal therapy. At low frequencies in the bioelectric range, circulation, lymphatic flow, swelling, pain, and muscle function can all be improved. At higher frequencies in the biochemical range, circulation, lymphatic flow, swelling, pain, immune system function, muscle activation, and metabolism are enhanced. Effective Clinical Usage for:
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Sciatic Pain
- Foot Pain/numbness/peripheral neuropathy
- Osteoarthritis
- Shoulder Pain
- Post-Op Pain
- Complex Chronic Pain
- Muscle Re-education
- Nerve Stimulation
- Relax Muscle Spasms
- Improving Range of Motion
- Poor Circulation
- Hand and Wrist Pain
Is Horizontal Therapy Safe? It should be noted that the bioelectrical currents that are used in the PRO ElecDT 2000 are entirely safe. They have been rigorously tested and have surpassed all standards required for biomedical devices. The current is painless and in most cases is not even felt.
POINT #3: RAPID RELEASE Therapy (RRT): Removing Scar Tissue Adhesions! (a key component in relieving your knee pain!!) Scar tissue forms in the body as a temporary patching mechanism for wounds caused by surgery, trauma, or repetitive stress. Scar tissue connecting tissue not normally connected is called adhesions. Adhesions can spread, entrapping nerves causing pain or numbness, and limiting the range of motion. Undiagnosed pain and restricted mobility are likely to be caused by these scar tissue adhesions. Scar Tissue Therapy Rapid Release Technology targets painful adhesions using resonance. RRT has determined the optimum frequency for maximum effectiveness. Our frequency also triggers the Tonic Vibration Reflex or TVR. This frequency is well known to instantly relax muscle guarding, cramps and spasms. RRT is unique in the above properties as it operates many times faster than other therapeutic devices, and it feels great too. Scar Tissue therapy is focused on the relief of soft tissue problems caused by adhesions such as:
- Knee Pain (specifically the muscles that support the knee as stated above)
- Carpal Tunnel
- Syndrome Tendonosis
- Muscle Spasms
- Trapped Nerves
- Range of Motion
- Contractures, Neuromas
- Back, Shoulder, and Ankle Pain
- Headaches, TMJ
- Tennis Elbow
POINT #4: PEMF: Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy: Please see the specific handout on PEMF.
We help a LOT of chronic Knee pain and/or peripheral neuropathy patients in our office and if we accept you as a patient, it is because we sincerely feel that we can help you too! Call our team at Staten Island Wellness Care today. Our Staten Island NY area team can offer you some of the latest treatments available to help you overcome this
10:00am - 8:00pm
10:00am - 8:00pm
10:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Staten Island Wellness Care
86 New Dorp Plaza
Staten Island, NY 10306